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Event Gallery

View our upcoming and past events here!


Please check our social media for the most up-to-date information for upcoming events.

 Upcoming Events 

 Union Debate 

Date: 2/24/2025  |  8PM

Location: Sayles Hall

Academic Year 2024-2025

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 Speaker Event, Andrew Yang '96: A New Way Forward for American Politics 

Date: 2/10/2025

The Brown Political Union hosted Andrew Yang for a conversation on the current political landscape and the future of the party system in America.


 February Union Debate 

Date: 2/3/2025

The Brown Political Union hosted a debate: Resolved, reform the American incarceration system.


 January Union Debate 

Date: 1/27/2025

The Brown Political Union hosted a debate: Resolved, CEOs should stay in the boardroom.

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 Jeopardy! Member Event

Date: 12/7/2024

The Brown Political Union hosted a social event for members with food and political trivia.


 November Union Debate 

Date: 11/18/2024

The Brown Political Union hosted a debate: Resolved, Affirmative action should be permitted for colleges.


 Speaker Event, Congressman Dean Phillips: American Democracy
and the 2024 Election

Date: 11/11/2024

The Brown Political Union was honored to host Congressman Dean Phillips for an insightful discussion on American Democracy and the 2024 Election.


 Debate with Harvard Political Union 

Date: 11/9/2024

The Brown Political Union was honored to host members of the Harvard Political Union for a lively debate: Resolved, Universal healthcare is the only healthcare.


 Election Night Watch Party with and Brown Votes 

Date: 11/5/2024

​The Brown Political Union was honored to collaborate with other Brown organizations for a campus-wide Election Night event with special guests Joe Shekarchi, Speaker of the RI House of Representatives, and Providence Mayor Brett Smiley.


 Debate Night: Republicans vs. Democrats with No Labels 

Date: 11/4/2024

​The Brown Political Union was honored to collaborate with No Labels at Brown to host a Republicans vs. Democrats debate on student loan debt relief. This event was made possible with the support of the Watson Institute at Brown University.


 October Union Debate 

Date: 10/28/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a union-wide debate: Resolved, Void the social contract.


 Speaker Event, Representative Sam Zurier 

Date: 10/21/2024

​The Brown Political Union was honored to host Representative Sam Zurier for an engaging conversation on local RI politics and government.


 Debate with Yale Conservatives and Yale Federalists 

Date: 10/10/2024

​The Brown Political Union travelled to Yale University for an engaging evening of debate with members of the Yale Political Union 


 Debate Workshop 

Date: 10/7/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a workshop for our membership to further cultivate their debate skills.


 September Union Debate 

Date: 9/30/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a union-wide debate: Resolved, Taxation is theft.


 First Union Debate 

Date: 9/16/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a union-wide debate: Resolved, Colleges should not restrict student speech.


 Presidential Debate Watch Party 

Date: 9/10/2024

​The Brown Political Union co-hosted a campus-wide Presidential Debate watch party with other campus organizations.


 Fall 2024 Welcome Event 

Date: 9/9/2024

​The Brown Political Union welcomed a host of new members and introduced them to the Brown Political Union.

Academic Year 2023-2024

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 April Union Debate 

Date: 4/30/2024

The Brown Political Union hosted its final debate of the semester: Resolved, Cancel cancel culture.

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 Speaker Event, Zhou Fengsuo 

Date: 4/23/2024

The Brown Political Union was honored to host a student leader of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protest, Zhou Fengshuo, who spoke on his experiences and advocacy.

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 Multi-Party Debate 

Date: 4/15/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a multi-party debate featuring Brown Republicans, Brown YDS, Alexander Hamilton Society, and Free Inquiry: ‘Resolved, liberal states ought not prioritize the national good over the global good.’

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 April Fools Union Debate & E-Board Election Speeches 

Date: 4/1/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a one-syllable-only debate: ‘Resolved, fools fear death.’

BPU E-Board candidates gave speeches promoting their candidacy.

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 March Union Debate 

Date: 3/11/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted a debate: ‘Resolved, punishment for acts of civil disobedience is always justified.’

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 Speaker Event, Representative Michael S. Day 

Date: 3/4/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted Massachusetts State Representative Michael Day to share his experience running for office, his role as the Chair of the Judiciary Committee, and his experience leading the bipartisan joint committee.


 Speaker Event, Providence Mayor Brett Smiley 

Date: 2/12/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted its inaugural speaker event featuring Providence Mayor Smiley to discuss issues including affordable housing efforts and office vacancy rates.

Watch Here.

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 February Union Debate 

Date: 2/5/2024

​The Brown Political Union hosted the first debate of the semester: ‘Resolved, Corrective Justice - On a Purely Theoretical Basis - Should be Primarily Served on a Deontological Basis Rather than a Consequentialist Basis.’

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 Archery Outing 

Date: 11/30/2023

​The Brown Political Union closed off the semester with a fun night of archery.

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 Debate with Free Inquiry 

Date: 11/27/2023

​The Brown Political Union hosted its final debate of the semester with Free Inquiry@Brown: ‘Resolved, democracy is not the best attainable form of government.’

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 Debate Workshop 

Date: 11/13/2023

​The Brown Political Union hosted a debate workshop to provide its members with the opportunity to improve their argumentative skills and develop and deliver an effective argumentative speech.


 Debate with Yale Conservative Party 

Date: 11/2/2023

​The Brown Political Union traveled to Yale for the Yale Conservative Party Debate. The evening was one of profound scholasticism, inspiring intellectual reckoning, and, most of all, good-hearted fun.


 Debate with West Point 

Date: 10/23/2023

​The Brown Political Union hosted the West Point Parliamentary Debate Team for a debate: ‘Resolved, that the use of military force is only just in self-defense.’

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 September Union Debate 

Date: 9/25/2023

​The Brown Political Union held its inaugural debate: 'Resolved, that the United States ought to lead the global world order.'


 Welcome Event 

Date: 9/12/2023

​The Brown Political Union hosted an orientation event to welcome our first class of new members.

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